5766 Starter for Cushman Golf Carts, John Deere; Kohler K482, K532, K582 18-25hp Twin Cylinder Air Cooled Small Engines
5766 Starter for Cushman Golf Carts, John Deere; Kohler K482, K532, K582 18-25hp Twin Cylinder Air Cooled Small Engines
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Price: $109.95

Product Code: 5766N

5766N (Ref. Num.2-2127-UT )
Starter - United Technologies PMDD
12 Volt, CCW, 9-Tooth Pinion

Used On: Cushman Golf Carts, John Deere; Kohler K482, K532, K582 18-25hp Twin Cylinder Air Cooled Small Engines


John Deere Tractor - Lawn
400 Kohler 19.9HP 1975-1982
Kohler Engine Air Cooled K-482 0000
Air Cooled K-532 0000
Air Cooled K-582 0000

John Deere AM34753, AM37725
Kohler 45-098-04, 45-098-05, 48-098-02, 48-098-04, A277214, A277599
United Technologies 1574540MO30SM, 5665940MO30SM

Lester Number : 5766

Components : 54-7018 Starter Drive
61-709 Armature

Features : 100% New

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