6129N Motor Pump for Baker, Clark, Fenner Stone, Monarch Hydraulics, Raymond Corp.
6129N Motor Pump for Baker, Clark, Fenner Stone, Monarch Hydraulics, Raymond Corp
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Price: $179.95

Product Code: 6129N

6129N (Ref. Num.82-6876 )
Motor - Pump
24 Volt, CCW, Slotted Shaft, Insulated Grd.

Used On: Baker, Clark, Fenner Stone, Monarch Hydraulics, Raymond Corp.
Replaces: Monarch 8120
Prestolite 46-0620, 46-2073, MHJ-2097, MHP-4005, MHP-4005S, MHP-4009, MHP-4009S
Raymond 570-429
Ref. No. W-9405

Lester Number : 6129

Dimensions : 4.5 in. Dia. Field Case
2) 5/16-24 Terminal Posts

Notes : Thru bolts at 3:00 & 9:00 positions

Features : 100% New 4-field coils Single ball bearing

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