PROMASTER-280XP-SE High Amp Alternator for Roadtrek Promaster Applications with AGM Batteries (Secondary Alternator)
Used on Roadtrek Simplicity, Roadtrek Zion, Roadtrek Carado
Today's charging system technology has eclipsed anything ever thought possible 10 years prior. With internal fans, temperature compensation, denser flat wire hairpin windings, 6 phase 12 diode rectifiers and available multi step variable voltage programmable regulators they are able to charge harder and smarter than ever before. Nations has harnessed this technology and adapted it into an elegant fit for the RV Industry. We use customized CNC billet housings, regulators, wiring harness assemblies and pulleys to make it possible to install this type of charging system to run independently from the vehicle. The factory alternator does what it is intended to do by the original manufacturers while the auxiliary alternator (g/u) takes care of the separate battery bank that supplies power to the added on accessories. This makes the vehicle more dependable and increases the available electrical capacity.
The PROMASTER-280XP-SE g/u alternator uses a special internal voltage regulator that activates when the engine is running by stator signal This system requires 10.5 volts surface charge in the battery banks to activate and has a set point of 14.7 volts cold and 14.2 volts hot if batteries are at full charge. For this system you only have to confirm battery voltage at charge post, clean connections and belt and mechanical items are in good condition.
